Augusta Centennial Hall is the largest hall available for public use south of Margaret River. With a fully equipped kitchen, bar area, ticket booth, polished wooden floors and a large curtained stage set with lights and music system, it is the perfect location for concerts, functions and large gatherings.
Total number on the premises at any one time is to not exceed 225 persons, this capacity is out side of Covid19 restrictions.
Fee Structure
Whole Complex: $220.00
Auditorium and Foyer: $132.00
Atrium: $82.50
Kitchen: $143.00
Foyer and Bar: $121.00
Local Ballet, Yoga & Zumba: $25.00 per hour
BOND: A bond of $500.00 is required for all user groups/activities with NO alcohol present.
A bond of $800.00 is required for all user groups/activities WITH alcohol present.
The following rooms/spaces are available for use:
• Large modern hall auditorium with stage (225 person capacity)
• Foyer entry
• Bar and bar storeroom
• Dressing room with full length mirrors and showers
• Fully equipped Kitchen*
• Atrium
Equipment – The following equipment is available with whole complex bookings, please request usage in booking form.
• Tables20+
• Chairs-250+ • Sound, Light & PA system
• Mirror Ball
• Gas heating and ceiling fans
• Kitchen: Fridge, oven, microwave, urn, pie warmer, dishwasher and table settings for 200 people*
*tea towels are not provided in Kitchen
Enquiries and Bookings
For enquiries and bookings please fill out the booking form or contact the Augusta Community Resource Centre on (08) 9758 0002 or reception@augustacrc.net.au
Bookings will only be confirmed once the Contract of Hire has been agreed upon and signed.